Tuesday, December 19, 2006


Really miss the celebration and the atmosphere of Christmas in New Zealand. Miss the advent services, Christmas carols, midnight service, potluck gathering, Christmas presents… At here Christmas is just all about shopping or dining or travelling, nothing more than commercial. My aunt from Kuching came to KL and stayed for 2 nights, I was greatly challenged by her as she is a non Christian and told me about Chakra and yoga those "mind, body, and soul" type of things. To be respectful I was just listening to her. From conversations with my mum and my aunt I can feel my family's high expectations on me. If I graduate next year (hopefully) I would be the first one who gets a university degree in my grandfather's line. I wonder what their reaction would be like if I tell them that I am not interested in building a career or being a “successful” woman but just want to follow God.

I feel lonely here, really lonely. I miss the smiles, the laughters, the hugs, the craziness, the warmth from my fellow friends in Palmerston North. Miss the bible discussions in OCF, miss the excitement to share about God, miss the time when we pray together… However I still have to thank God for showing me that glimpse of His Kingdom, so that I may have the hope and strength to wait upon Christ’s second coming and eternal life with God and His people.

1 comment:

Janicelees said...

Hi Anne,

If God has put it in your heart to go to ministry rather than having a secular work...He will give you the strength and grace you need. If going for secular work too, God will give the strength as well.

Secular work does not mean that we "sin" against God or we are doing sumthing wrong. It can be as holy as preaching the gospel if it is intended and motivated for God's glory.

There are people called to preach and bring the gospel. There are also people called to support those who are bringing the gospel to the world. I'm talking abt financial support from secular work. In the end, they are all glorifying God.

Not to mention that going to secular work is also a mission field. Being salt and light in the world.

If our heart and focus is God to be magnified in our life then you should not have any guilt for going to secular work.

Btw, we didnt have advent services this year. Miss it too. But, the rest that u mentioned before did happen. Hehe. This time christmas present has a theme: "white elephant gift" which means you dont buy the present but from the things you already have. You dont really use it and it could be useful for others.

Love, Lilis