Monday, June 09, 2008

I said I don't care

When this life is is going to be over? Glad that I don’t have much attachment in life my life on earth, so I am ready to return to Jesus anytime He appointed. Life is exhausting, I have no more energy. What remaining is hatred and dissatisfaction. I am ashamed to be called as a Christian, I have sinned greatly against whom I declared to believe. I have come to a point that am too shameful to ask for forgiveness. Just like many other Christians, I am a hypocrite. I have seen no genuine love, nor be able to show genuine love to other people. I am helpless against everything, unable to listen from God, unable to teach the Bible. What is any use for me as a Christian? How long should I be waiting? There is no hope. It is IMPOSSIBLE to be pure and blameless in this corrupted world, lest I have the capacity to endure. Truth is no where to be taught, love is no where to be seen, or I have hardened my heart so I could not hear the truth, and could not accept the love from God? Why do I have a brother like that? Why do I live in a society like this? Why am I not a princess?

Who cares? I am sick of all this, I don’t care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Anne hon, it really tugs at my heart to see your post. Please don't give up, I know things must seem very very bleak for you right now, but rest assured that it will improve. No matter what the situation is.

There is ALWAYS hope when your Lord and master is Jesus Christ. Things may seem out of control, painful and impossible, but remember "Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God", so please don't give up. There is love all around if we just care to look. There is alot of ugly out there too, but don't despair. Our time on this Earth is but a twinkle compared to eternity, continue to run the race for all that is right and good in this World. You are part of that, I know for sure.

God cannot work in you unless you have an open heart to let Him in, so throw out that meaningless hatred and let Him heal your wounds... You will be in my prayers sister.