Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season

As I was grieving about the church and the world, I've learnt that I need to look at the things in a positive perspective, and put my hope and trust in the Lord. On Saturday afternoon I had a long chat with a Christian friend whom I met in New Zealand. I was so happy to know that at least there is someone that I can talk about God with in KL. We had talked about more than 3 hours in the café. I was deeply encouraged by her faith in God, and her love for people. She has made me understand that, even when the earthly conditions are not favourable to serve God and love people, I still have to do it, with passion, because deep in my heart I know who I am serving for. There is one verse from 2 Timothy that was floating in my mind at that time:

Preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season

Now I understand what it means, but I admit that it is not easy. And the next line:

reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. (2 Timothy 4:2)

Why Paul gave this command to Timothy? Because in previous chapter he mentioned that there will come times of difficulty, he will face Godless people everywhere. But he didn’t tell Timothy to give up and sit there do nothing, insteaad he told him to preach the Word, be ready in season and out of season. Also, reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. Am I expecting to serve God only when the surroundings are desirable? Am I expecting to share the Gospel only when people ask me to tell them? Am I choosing to obey God only when it does not cost anything?

Honestly I was quite disappointed at myself, I had compromised a lot, I have become lazy to pray, and spend less and less time with the Bible. But thank God He will accomplish His will, His plan, no matter I obey Him or not. And I thank Him that He is a living and sovereign God, patiently teaching, guiding, rebuking, and correcting me so that I will not waste my life on this journey to eternal life.

I am seriously considered about coming back to KL. My friend told me that she has a vision that there will be a revival in the churches of Malaysia; people will come back from overseas to serve the Lord. Yes, indeed there are many weaknesses in the churches here, but does it matter? God is powerful, He will do what he intends to do, and I just need to commit in Him, delight in Him, trust in Him, and be still before Him (Psalm 37).

1 comment:

Bowie said...

Hi Anne!!
The onely thing God want from you is relaitionship with you. He want to talk to you have you as his best friend. He love's you for ho you are. Trust him and you will have a grate time with the lord.

Marry christmas to you
