Thursday, October 22, 2009

人生苦短 Early mid life crisis


Will my life end in year 23? I'll be 24 next year, yet I achieved nothing. I believed in my capabilities, I believed that I can be a successful person and have a great life in earlier time. If not this year, perhaps next year I'll do something incredible. Year after year, life is still the same. Nothing has been done, I returned to the beginning, point of zero. Will my hardwork definitely be rewarded? Will my givings be returned? Will failure never come after success? I knew that to not waste life is to live for God. But what does God wants me to do? If God has given me freedom of choices, what should I choose? Sometimes I rather have no choice, yet I'm tired of competitions, cause the world is a jungle, the arena to fight for survival. Therefore I'm still sitting at home, away from harm. Perhaps I will never succeed, but I can minimise the risk, but is there any meaning to any of these?


Anonymous said...

Perhaps it's time to stop worrying about what you have or haven't done with your life yet and to just start living it. Time to get up in the morning and do something good for yourself and just enjoy the present time and situation. You are young and free, there are many many years ahead that you can do Gods work. For now you need to care for yourself. Sound selfish? A little self love goes a long way to loving and healping others I believe. Sometimes we just need to jump in and do it, too much thinking about things or waiting for the "right" thing can lead us nowhere.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Mtt 6:34

kairos said...

I would suggest start doing something, starting from small things. He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much (Luke 16:10). I agree that there is no use worrying. You are still young :)