Monday, August 17, 2009


Again, relieved after rejected being offered second chance to stay and work at my current job. I don't really have anything to let go except the money. haha. My dreams are burning again, it was hard to suppress my passion while I doing something I do not enjoy, and it turned out to be a nightmare. Yesterday I had a good day of rest at home, and re-look at my cafe business plan which I wrote 1 year ago before I start work in Singapore. I drew out the possible image of what my cafe will be look like, and revised my business plan in further detail.

I have 3 passions in life: 1. God and redemption of His people 2. Hospitality 3. Fine arts.

Passion for God has been planted in my heart since I was around 5 years old when I first started going to Sunday school, and passion for the redemption of His people was awakened when I learned more about Him while studying in New Zealand. I was disappointed with the churches I went in Kuala Lumpur, and had hard time looking for the 'right' church to fellowship with. That led me to make the decision of working and staying in another country, Singapore.

Passion for Hospitality sprouted when I was working in New Zealand. I hate hospitality to a certain degree, for some reasons. Yet I see many problems can be fixed and it can be a pleasant career and place for people to enjoy and relate. I love making espresso coffees and various drinks while I worked in a small cafe in Palmerston North. It was my ideal, I loved working there, except they have too little hours for me. It was a small cafe with less than 10 tables, small counter with a 2 ground Espresso machine accompanied by the coffee grinder, with some cakes, slices, muffins, and pastries. The regulars were the sales promoter from the CD shop nearby, a call operater from Telecom, hairdressers, chocolate shop owners, guitar shop owner, some lawyers, and retired old folks. I enjoyed talking with them, serving them while each of them have different preferences, I remembered their names and their favourite coffees. I loved decorating fluffy for kids and see their delighting faces. I simply love to serve and bring joy to people.

Passion for fine arts started naturally, I discovered it when I started to learn how to hold a pencil and drawing shapes and putting colours. Mum knew it and searched for a few arts teacher for me to learn from and I ended up attending art class with a famous local artist in Kuching for a few years. As I can remember I had 3 arts teacher in Kuching. My paintings were exhibited at Waterfront, a famous landmark in Kuching, was proud when my parents saw it there, unforgetable. Then I joined Arts Society for 5 years in high school, done a lot of things there, memorable experiences.

I'm an idealist, I tend to get everything at once and don't want to compromise one or another. After quitting my job, this thought came into my head: start a IEC church in KL, open my cafe, and hang/sell my paintings in the cafe, and the church is partially funded by the cafe. Hahaha.... seems too idealistic isn't it, I am greedy. Advantages of IEC: Well grounded in the Truth and Grace of God, Indonesian speaking = similar to Malay (opportunity to approach malays without being too obvious), Chinese speaking = my mother tongue, and most of my friends speak mandarin, unity and understanding between Indonesians and Malaysians, and a support for Indonesian and other overseas students in KL.

In conclusion, I can fulfill my 3 passions at the same time: have a church family in KL (can bring my family there), opportunity to reach out to unbelieving friends, a 'tentmaking' source which I can enjoy (cafe), and place to express my passion for arts, don't mention I can reach out to my regular customers too, and give Malaysians a chance to taste real Espresso coffee!

Wa... am drooling already, daydreaming huh... well it seems workable. I will keep it low key cos some people might think that i'm daydreaming again. But this is my life passion, I wish it can happen, if it's God's will. Anyway, I have my first confirmation today that IEC is going to KL(at the right timing)! the rest, see how things go first... maybe before I start the business I will work somewhere else to save up more, and maybe I will come back to Singapore again for a while... who knows... lets commit all my dreams into His hands and let Him work through it. :)


Anonymous said...

Wow this is a really exciting post Anne. You know you are so lucky to have these dreams, I just don't have any at all. All I can say is go for it and see where He leads you!

Ita said...

WOW! WOW! WOW! A very positive outlook. Great! :)
If IEC really opens in KL, I would be interested to move there :) Church planting is an awesome experience!
Is it really confirm that IEC will open in KL?